State House Bill is Best Way to Slow Down Broadband Deployment in Pennsylvania

Legislation recently introduced in the state House is a surefire way of killing investment in rural broadband, and it’s being introduced just as over a billion dollars in federal money is about to roll into the Commonwealth to help bridge the digital divide between rural and urban areas. HB 924 is deceptively being sold as […]

The Regulatory Pendulum Swings in Pennsylvania and Broadband Consumers Should Pay Attention

Two recent developments have highlighted just how important it is to get telecommunications regulation right for broadband consumers in Pennsylvania. One is beneficial to consumers and providers, the other just the opposite. On the pro-consumer side is the recent issuing of a co-sponsor memo by State Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-York) announcing the reintroduction of her […]

Samara joins roundtable discussion with Congressman Joyce and FCC Commissioner Carr to urge for streamlining broadband deployment process

On August 6, PTA President Steve Samara joined FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr and Congressman John Joyce (PA-13) in Altoona for a roundtable discussion on impediments to rural broadband deployment in Pennsylvania. “PTA has been advocating for several years in support of streamlined telco regulations to save investment dollars that could be devoted to broadband deployment,” […]

Outdated telco regulations trimmed in Phillips-Hill legislation cleared by Senate Committee

Legislation that would eliminate outdated regulations for landline phone carriers that have been on the books for decades cleared the Senate Communications and Technology Committee this week in a victory for speedier broadband deployment. The legislation, SB 85, sponsored by Sen. Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-York), would strike regulations enacted in an era when the incumbent phone […]

Passage of bipartisan legislation in Congress desperately needed to keep Affordable Connectivity Fund afloat

Unless Congress acts soon, a federal program that connects low-income Americans to the internet, the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), will run out of money, and the fallout will not only impact millions of low-income internet users but the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that provide them service. Bipartisan legislation, the Affordable Connectivity Program Extension Act, that […]

Legislation requiring FCC broadband speeds counter-productive, and unnecessarily punitive

Legislation recently introduced in Harrisburg requiring regulated rural phone carriers, the RLECs, to provide certain minimum broadband speeds punishes the very companies that are already bring increasingly higher speeds to rural areas. Under HB 333, the rural carriers (members of the Pennsylvania Telephone Association, PTA), would be required upon customer request to offer speeds of […]

Broadband regulations modernized under legislation, SB 85, introduced by state Sen. Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-York)

State Sen. Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-York) has re-introduced legislation, SB 85. that will modernize and streamline telecom regulations in Pennsylvania. Hill, Senate Majority Caucus Chair and vice-chair of the Communications & Technology Committee, introduced the legislation last session as SB 341. In her co-sponsorship memo, Hill said that the legislation is “long overdue, and is a […]