PUC Promotes Lifeline Awareness Week, Helps Consumers “Stay Connected”

In conjunction with a national initiative to promote Lifeline telephone discount program awareness, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) joined the Community Action Partnership of Cambria County, other state agencies and industry representatives to help residents “stay connected” and learn about rules regarding eligibility at the Head Start Center, Johnstown.

Pennsylvania Telephone Association: Newly introduced legislation balances competitive provisions with consumer protections

Legislation ensuring the customer benefits of a competitive telecommunications industry in Pennsylvania has been introduced in the House by State Rep. Warren Kampf, R-Chester/Montgomery. Known as the Telecommunications Market Competition legislation, House Bill 1608 builds on the provisions of Act 183 of 2004, which are bringing the benefits of universal broadband deployment to citizens all across the Commonwealth. The 2004 law also streamlined the regulation of landline telecommunications carriers so that cutting-edge services could be offered in a developing competitive marketplace.